Some combustion enthusiasts, and not only for oil burners, subconsciously know or have read that it is possible to replace part of the fuel with water. Yes it works, for example, in the burning of high quality black coal, or coke, or in the proper burning of oil with a blue flame! In my burner design it works up to about 7-8 percent water to oil ratio. However, it is always necessary to have sufficient temperature to decompose the water. Yes theoretically you can only burn water broken down to the atomic level. It's only Hydrogen and Oxygen. Hydrogen burns well and its flame is not visible, or it is slightly made visible by some additive and Oxygen is the oxidizer.
Practically speaking, it has its limits: First, it makes no sense to add water to a burner that burns orange to yellow or bright white, i.e. up to 1200 deg C. Only a blue flame around 2000 deg. It is only capable of partially decomposing water, and only if the burner has sufficient excess power to the ratio of the water supplied, which is consumed by the decomposition of the water. To reach temperatures higher than 2000 deg C up to 2500 deg C, the flame must be able to burn at a temperature of up to 2500 deg C. C already requires knowledge of the control of the combustion process and you have a lot of technological gadgets to the burner and automation of this process, or it requires a person who understands it, hears the fire and sees the differences in color sharpness and length of flames and surrounding events and phenomena and is physically present to control the burner for at least an hour.
Then whatever steel is in the burner ( made of ordinary black structural steel) affected by the fiercely oxygenated flame there is twisting and corroding at such a rate, That the geometry of the burner and the plate will initially collapse ( depending on the burner design) and this will not allow for further high temperature burning with a proportion of water decomposed and if it still burns as it should or you have already picked up everything you need, the inner part of the burner will completely decompose by sheet corrosion in a week of 7x12 hours use. That's why it's better to use good quality refractory stainless steel material, reinforcements and even better ceramic material. All this and much more about oil burner construction can be found in my book.
tarifs pour la formation des pilotes et la location d'avions. 2020
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